Anesthesia Safety
Anesthesia Safety
Our primary concern is a safe anesthetic experience for your pet. We accomplish this by appropriately evaluating your pet by means of physical and laboratory evaluations, and careful continuous monitoring during and after anesthesia.
Laboratory Evaluation
Pre-anesthetic lab work is recommended for all patients requiring general anesthesia. For pets that are young and healthy an abbreviated pre-surgical screening can be done the day of the procedure. A pre-surgical screen consists of drawing blood and obtaining a urine sample. These tests evaluate the organs that will metabolize the anesthesia. For older patients a more in depth evaluation includes a chemistry profile, complete blood count (CBC), and a complete urinalysis. This lab work is drawn prior to the surgical appointment. For older patients additional tests such as radiographs of the heart and lungs may be indicated.
History and Physical Exam
When your pet is admitted to our hospital he/she will receive a physical exam focused on the cardiac and respiratory systems, a review of all medications and supplements your pet is on and an evaluation of any medical problems and any prior anesthetic/surgical experiences.
Anesthesia and Monitoring
A sedative will be given to help relax your pet. All surgery patients will have an intravenous (IV) catheter placed to allow administration of drugs and IV fluids; by having this catheter in place, any necessary intervention can take place immediately should your pet have a problem while under anesthesia. Anesthesia is given, an endotracheal tube is placed in the airway, and your pet is maintained on gas anesthesia during the procedure.
You pet will be continuously monitored by both a veterinary nurse as well as monitoring equipment. Anesthesia safety is increased by continuous monitoring of multiple parameters such as blood pressure, blood oxygen levels, heart rate, ECG, respiratory rate and body temperature.
Post op Recovery and Pain Control
Once the procedure is completed your pet is moved to a comfortable padded warm recovery cage, where he/she is carefully monitored until fully recovered from the anesthesia. During this transition phase as your pet wakes up we make sure your pet’s pain control plan is adequate and adjust the pain medication as needed. Once recovered, your pet will be offered a small snack if medically appropriate.